Diet: Setbacks in Perspective

I've been kind of busy since last night because the boyfriend's parents are in town... which translates to eating out... which translates to omfg, I'm blowing my diet!

Tonight wasn't as bad as last night...  I had gnocchi (Italian potato dumplings... delish), and skipped on the appetizers and split a piece of cheesecake with my boyfriend.  It was still more than I should have done, too.  And I drank.  I drank quite a bit.  I did last night, too.  Margaritas, shots of tequila, lemon drop shots, wine....  That's more drinking than I've done in a long time.

I think this is why they tell you to only weigh once a week.  Fluctuations happen.  I feel like when I get on that scale tomorrow to do my weekly weigh-in, I'll have lost weight overall, but I may have gained a little since I weighed this afternoon.  It kind of robs the sense of accomplishment one might feel by getting focused on a half of a pound that's there, or isn't...

But I'm not going to let this blow me off course.  I'm with this diet - er, lifestyle change - for good.  I don't want to be a fat bride one day... or a fat mom.  So I have a bad weekend here and there... it happens, and it shouldn't throw me off.  As long as I treat weekends like this as a treat, and not the norm, I'll be ok.

I realized that I don't need to lose it fast... I just need to lose it for good.  Any small success is a success, nonetheless.  So what if it takes me a year?  A year and a half?  Two years?  I don't care, as long as I feel more comfortable in my skin and can participate in the things that I used to love doing.  A lifetime of health is worth waiting a while to achieve.

1 comments: said...

You said: "I'm not going to let this blow me off course. ... So I have a bad weekend here and there... it happens, and it shouldn't throw me off."

That's the right attitude.

Best wishes to you.

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